Although I myself am an instructor for GX dance and body weight, however one year ago, finding this very motivating and challenging workout place, i nail it !!
I will squeeze my very tight schedule in order to check in almost everyday!
CrossFit 348 has become my self-training playground and fitness educator place.
I noticed significant improvement of my strength as well as fitter body shape. The trainers are excellent and always here to help to push and motivate us. At the same time, they are putting in extra attentions to perfect our weightlifting forms and techniques.
A variety of age and different fitness level whom attending the classes together, and there is no such feelings of embarrassment due to the inability to do certain movements or exercises. Most importantly, “we feel like a big warm family who will welcome, motivate and layback with each others in this BIG warm family ”!
Whether you are new to start your fitness journey Or u are an experienced one. Just set your goal and join us at CrossFit 348. You’d Definitely Love and Fit right in!!!